These data are statistical model outputs for California Tiger Salamander (
Ambystoma californiense) species distribution, completed by the Wildlight group as part of the the project Solar Energy and Conservation in the San Joaquin Valley. The Wildlight group used Maxent to generate predictions of habitat occupancy for 17 species within the greater San Joaquin Valley.
Species distribution models were produced at 270 m resolution (and were resampled up to 1km resolution - nearest neighbor) using 12 environmental predictor variables. Models were evaluated with 5-fold cross validated AUC scores.
Both continuous probability surfaces and binary layers are available for each species modeled. Binary layers depicting predicted suitable habitat were derived using the equal training sensitivity and specificity threshold.
For Ambystoma californiense, mean AUC = 0.899.
For more information on the environmental variables used, modeling process, and model diagnostics, please refer to the supporting document attached.